Friday, December 19, 2008

Almost the End...

24 hours from now we will be aproximately in Kentucky (As long as we make it out of Alabama. It tends to go on for awhile...). We'll be van-worn, sleeping, reading, bored, and asking ourselves where the week went. I can't believe that it's time for us to go home already (well, in the morning). This week mostly went fast. Even the work day, possibly because we took a half hour break and hour lunch. However, time flying means you're having fun, right? And we sure did have fun. I have thoroughly enjoyed the week, getting to know the others a little better, seeing New Awlins again, looking out at the Gulf at night, and laughing a whole lot (it's what I do).

The house we worked on now has a roof. And we did it. WE did it! Who knew what some Bluffton students could do? I'll admit, I was quite frightened on the roof today. My shoes have no traction, there was even more sawdust on it, and we layed tar paper down which means it could rip (and maybe I did rip it accidently... whoops!). I like heights, so why was I afraid? I just don't like the thought of falling off and breaking bones. However, it would've sure made this trip even more memorable! I'm glad to say though that I accomplished my goal of not falling of the roof this week!

I learned a lot on the construction site this week. I've done this working-on-houses things before, but I am not even close to being a pro. In the past, I've helped reconstruct broken parts of homes, like a floor, patio, or roof. This time we worked on a completely new home. It was nice for a change and to see all the work that goes into it. And those city men must sure have a lot of faith in us Habitat volunteers. The inspector came yesterday and walked up, looked, and said, "Yup, it's good!" We are mighty!!!

I guess this is a rather random post. My thoughts aren't all still collected from this week because it doesn't seem quite over yet. All in all, it was a great time. Everyone should do this. You can never have enough servants in the world. Well, I'm going to go and enjoy the warm weather here before we had back to ice-storm land :)
-Kelsey Smith