Sunday, December 14, 2008

Travel Day - posted by John Badertscher

Thanks to the valiant driving of Dan Stanowick and Brian Starkel, our van made the 900+ mile trek from Ohio to Mississippi safely. Ample room in the van allowed for comfortable seating - to sleep, read, watch videos, sleep, snack, sleep, you get the idea. My book of choice was Blue Like Jazz by Donald Miller, a challenging book for the engaged reader. I enojoyed a short walk down to the shoreline to feel the refreshing breeze blowing off of the Gulf waters.
Although I am a senior, this is my first service trip with SOUL at Bluffton. I am looking forward to the chance to work on Tuesday, but Monday will provide a relaxing day to take in the city of New Orleans.
Goodnight y'all.

Philippians 2.4 - Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.

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