Monday, December 15, 2008

Scenes from Monday

Rain, then sunshine, then rain, then fog, then clouds, then sunshine...

...and a high of 75.

We spent the day heading to New Orleans to see the sights by way of US-90 along the Gulf Coast. For those of us who have been there before, it was interesting to see the progress made since our visits in 2006 and 2007. Both of the bridges that were washed out by Katrina have since been rebuilt and are now fully open to traffic. Condominiums, casinos, and restaurants are starting to sprout up along Beach Boulevard, but you could still see the foundations from homes, businesses, and piers that once existed along the stretch of highway. During orientation this evening they said that 90% of the buildings that once existed along the road were destroyed by Katrina. For those visiting this area, it is truly a must-see

More scenes from the day:

Another photo of the always-lovely Jackson Square with the St. Louis Cathedral in the background. First time we've been there during the daytime.

Stopping for beignets at the famous Cafe du Monde. At two bucks for three of them, it's the best deal in the city. You can't tell it from the photo, but we ended up with powdered sugar all over ourselves.

JM found a new friend. Kelsey wasn't particularly keen to that idea.

Tomorrow is the first day on the worksite. Lights come on at 6 a.m., the breakfast bell rings at 6:30 a.m., and we take off for the worksite by 7:30 a.m. Add one hour to those times to convert to EST, and you'll find out that it's not as early as we try to make it sound.

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