Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Under the Belt

It feels good to have one day of work under my belt. My muscles ache a little and I feel exhausted, however, I'm still excited to head back tomorrow morning to see the construction of the house develop further, even if it does mean waking up at 6:00AM. So some highlights from today involved much nailing. I first began nailing these support straps that connect the porch to the house. This acts as protection against high winds that pull off the roofs. It's kind of interesting to see how houses down in the South are built totally different from back home. Here they don't have to build roofs to support snow, but they do have to worry about high winds. One of the most challenging tasks I had to do today was work on getting the gable up, the face part of roof trusses, as well as other trusses on the porch. I'm trying to pick up on the construction lingo. Anyway it took me and two other guys about two hours to lay out and nail the trusses. After we got them nailed into place, it felt good to see the house starting to come together. I tried to imagine it finally done and all decorated with a family inside and thought to myself how cool it is to truly be apart of something life changing for someone else.

A strange thought that hit me today was how close Christmas actually was. To be honest, I haven't really thought about it very much, especially since the weather here is in the 60s. Since the Advent Season started the word Hope has been in my mind a lot, not just Hope for the coming Messiah that the Israelites hoped for, but the Hope of God's kingdom coming to Earth and I think this Hope looks a little like what we're doing here, down in Mississippi.
Grace and Peace
-Jason Frey 

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